Friday, September 30, 2005

I hate moving

I hate, hate, HATE moving. I am so sick of packing, moving, and unpacking my life every single year, sometimes multiple times a year since '98, and now I have to move again. I hate looking for a place to live - it's such a timesink, especially when you're working full-time. It's stressful, exhausting, expensive and not to mention a big waste of time. I'm throwing and giving stuff away left and right just so I don't have to pack and move them, it's that bad.

there's got to be a way to make this system more better. Can we create some sort of web service that acts as a clearinghouse for all landlords and tenants? Like, but more sophisticated. Better filters, automatic synching so ads are never out of date. Maybe a bidding system to match highest bidder/seller like ebay. Link it to credit bureau backends to automatically run credit checks, so I don't have to fill out so much goddamn paperwork. Publicly visible calendars (like outlook s+ for easy appt scheduling, no more of this phone tag crap). Mine the phone/IM conversations for data and post it into an FAQ to avoid repeat conversations. Overlay prices, upcoming openings, and etc. all onto the same map. Hell SMS me when I drive by an open apt in areas I designate I like goddamnit...ok, I know you can't throw technology at every problem, but this seriously sucks. This system is so inefficient, so antiquated. there's gotta be a better way.

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