I just can't say enough good things about other travelers in SE Asia so far. People have been so awesome, I've been making friends everywhere. On the plane, on the bus, on tours, in guesthouses...you name it, I've met people there. I also met one friend on my last trip through Europe, but I just have to say I really like the SE Asia crowd. There are a lot of kindred spirits out here, lots of people who are at a crossroads in life, so they've quit their jobs, stopped out, or postponed whatever it is they're doing to come out here to figure out where they're going in life. I really enjoy that.
I really love the traveler's credo. Not that there's an explicit one, but in general I've found that most travelers out here share a similar mindset - Leave things/people as you find them as much as possible; Help another traveler as you'd like to be helped, etc. I really like it.
Other random thoughts from the road
- Things worth its weight in gold in SE Asia: Toilet paper and mosquito repellent. Laugh, you say? You'll thank me someday. Trust me.
- Thai mosquitoes >> Cambodian mosquitoes >> Vietnamese mosquitoes (thus far)
- Kareoke videos are just as cheesy in Khmer as they are in English. Except they're a lot more violent! I saw one typical boy-girl breakup song video which proceeded as usual. Just when I was about to fall asleep, the dude pulled out a gun and shot the girl in the head at the end! Definitely woke me up.
- What is it w/ SE Asian's love of Kareoke videos on long bus rides? It's only amusing for maybe the first hour!
- Always, always ask about what services are included while looking for a massage. Always
- When standing in a river, should you ever notice Cambodian folks pointing at your feet in horror and moving back, RUN like all hell and don't look back. (Generally it means there's a snake moving toward you at high speed)
Ticket to SE Asia: $1160
Cab ride: $2
Apocalypse Now (one of Saigon's biggest clubs) admission: $5
Rocking to 'Ice Ice Baby' w/ fellow Vietnamese hipsters: priceless. Did you ever think Vanilla Ice will be back in vogue again?!